Spectrometer Services has a vast array of capabilities for analysing non-ferrous materials made possible with modern instrumentation and wet-chemistry facilities.
We routinely analyse complex materials of all types of matrices both metallic and non-metallic and can provide levels of constituents from ppm through to major percentages.
Materials analysed include:
- Copper alloys
- Aluminium alloys
- Magnesium alloys
- Titanium alloys
- Lead and Tin alloys
- Nickel alloys
- Zinc alloys
- Precious metal alloys
- Refractories and Ceramics
- Glass
- Clays and Sands
- Minerals and Ores
- Plastics
- Paper and Pulp
- Coal and Ash
- Oils, Paints and Petroleum products
We also have equipment for total carbon/sulphur/nitrogen by combustion, programmable loss-on-ignition and automatic titration.
Turnaround times are dependent on the wet-chemistry requirements but are usually 3 – 5 days for most materials. An express service is available for routine analysis of samples where complex preparation is not required.